Coaching the Individual

Coaching Executives and Business Owners in Recovery from Addictions


Coaching the individual is the key to a successful transition from treatment to an extraordinary life. MK Recovery Coaching services are discrete and effective. Melissa will guide you through the transition period between treatment and living in the real world. She can give you the tools you need to continue your success for the rest of your life.

Actors and athletes use coaches to bring out the best in them. You can use the same strategy during this critical time in your recovery to bring out the best in you. Executive coaching is the hallmark of Fortune 500 leadership programs. You will have the ability to work with an executive coach that merges the special coaching attention a recovering person needs.

A free one hour consultation is provided to help you evaluate your options.  At this first meeting she will inquire about your personal recovery plan. After the initial consult, you decide whether face to face contact or telephone sessions are best. You set up or improve your recovery plan with the guidance of the coach. Next, a contract is established between Melissa and you, outlining the goals you want to achieve. Next, a behavioral assessment is completed, additional assessments are suggested for your spouse, children, business partners or subordinates. From these assessments communication, behavioral and interpersonal skills are recognized and you are coached on how to rebuild your relationships with your peers, colleagues and family based on the skills these assessments identify. Every step of the way, recovery models (these are therapeutic models developed by addiction professionals and physicians based on years of research) like the 12-step recovery model, harm reduction and the recovery management model are blended with executive coaching models to guide you through the same steps that successful executives and recovering individuals have taken. Usually, a coaching assignment will last about six months. Many of my clients have contracted my services for over two years. Some clients need the coaching service 24/7 for a week when they first leave a treatment center. Others prefer daily phone calls. People are individuals and each coaching assignment is unique and tailored to meet the goals you want to achieve.

If you are interested in purchasing Melissa Killeen’s new book, click below.

Recovery Coaching
A Guide to Coaching People in Recovery from Addictions
(Second Edition)
